Celebrating National Rice Month with BiOWiSH Technologies

Syngenta MAP-Tianjin facility rice art

September is National Rice Month! It’s a time to recognize the farmers, processors, and everyone involved in bringing rice to our tables. Established 34 years ago by the United States Congress, National Rice Month shines a spotlight on one of the world’s oldest and most important staple foods. With over 40,000 varieties grown across the … Read more

Economic Insight: How BiOWiSH Tracks Economic Results to Predict Success

As biological fertilizer enhancements continue to make headway in the marketplace, some growers remain wary. Numerous products are available, which may feel like choice overload for growers. In addition, some products have not lived up to their research claims when implemented on-farm. However, effective solution providers can provide economic metrics and data to validate their … Read more

Agri-View Feature: Consider Bio-Enhanced Fertilizer

rye grass _ cover crop _ sustainability

Agri-View, a leading agricultural newspaper in Wisconsin, featured an article by Ronaldo Knychala, Senior Carbon Field Activities Manager for BiOWiSH Technologies. Climate-smart agricultural programs, often referred to as regenerative programs, are gaining momentum through various methods like carbon capture, no-till, cover cropping, biologicals and other greenhouse-gas-reducing practices. But selecting a program can be challenging because … Read more

Part-3 — How BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer Provides Successful, Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations

image of corn field with three small graphics: crops, globe and hands holding growing plant. Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series.

Part 3: Management Practices – Supporting Diverse Operations Through Fertilizer Choice and Compatibility Every farming operation is unique and requires its own set of management practices to support its business needs. BiOWiSH Technologies understands the complex challenges that the agricultural industry faces and strives to develop products that seamlessly integrate into a variety of farming … Read more

Part-2 — How BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer Provides Successful, Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations

image of corn field with three small graphics: crops, globe and hands holding growing plant. Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series.

Part 2: Climates – Product Success in Diverse Agronomic and Climatic Settings Around the World In addition to complementing a wide variety of crops, as discussed in Part 1 of this blog series, BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer is also designed to be used in different agronomic systems around the world with varying climates, soil types, management … Read more

Ferramentas de Sensoriamento Remoto na — Monitoramento de Ensaios BiOWiSH® usando NDVI

soybean field soybean trial using NDVI tools soybean rows prior to canopy

As ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e a sua utilização são comuns na produção agrícola atual, como uma forma de monitorar o estado de uma cultura em crescimento, prevenir quaisquer potenciais problemas, ou identificar áreas de um campo que precisam de ser examinadas pessoalmente. Por estas razões, os ensaios de demonstração do BiOWiSH na produção agrícola … Read more

How BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer Provides Successful, Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series

image of corn field with three small graphics: crops, globe and hands holding growing plant. Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series.

Agricultural practices vary significantly around the world depending on many critical factors including climate, terrain, tradition, and accessible technology. While the United States, Brazil, Europe and Australia have many large-scale farms that rely on heavy machinery, many parts of Asia and Africa contain small-plot farms that require more labor-intensive, manual cultivation. Regardless of farming practices … Read more

Remote Sensing Tools in Agriculture — BiOWiSH® Trial Monitoring Using NDVI

soybean field soybean trial using NDVI tools soybean rows prior to canopy

Remote sensing tools and usage are commonplace in agricultural production today, as a way to monitor the status of a growing crop, head-off any potential issues, or identify areas of a field which need to be scouted in-person. For these reasons, the BiOWiSH on-farm demonstration trials are set up to use NDVI monitoring from satellites. … Read more

Pillars of the Green Transition — A Newsweek Report for COP 28

Newsweek Pillars of the Green Transition COP28

A special Newsweek report “Pillars of the Green Transition” is set to release ahead of The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28 UAE. BiOWiSH President, Rod Vautier, and Chief Innovation Officer, Bill Diederich, were interviewed by Investment Reports to address how BiOWiSH Technologies is contributing to the Green Transition. COP 28 brings the world … Read more

Newsweek: A Nova Era da Alimentação e Agricultura

Image of grain harvest with text Newsweek The New Era of Food and Agriculture

Este relatório fornece uma visão sem precedentes sobre o futuro da nossa alimentação, reunindo uma constelação de vozes importantes da indústria alimentícia e agrícola, incluindo o Diretor Executivo da BiOWiSH Technologies, Graham Beesley, e o Presidente, Rod Vautier. Cerca de 100 diretores executivos internacionais, líderes de associações e líderes políticos apresentam em conjunto a sua … Read more