What We Do

At BiOWiSH, we provide innovative biotechnology solutions for the aquaculture, agriculture, and environmental management industries. We work with key officials and institutions around the world to understand exactly what our customers need, then develop solutions that fit in to their current practices.

At BiOWiSH, we provide innovative biotechnology solutions for the aquaculture, agriculture, and environmental management industries. We work with key officials and institutions around the world to understand exactly what our customers need, then develop solutions that fit in to their current practices.


An enterprising Australian entrepreneur, a curious microbiologist working in Thailand, and a shrimp pond – how are these things related? They were all instrumental for the birth of BiOWiSH.

The seeds of BiOWiSH were planted when that curious microbiologist identified a special group of microbes in a shrimp pond. These microorganisms would become the basis of BiOWiSH’s proprietary technology.

In 2007, our enterprising president Rod Vautier brought the technology to the US to refine and develop. Through years of internal research, university and third-party trials, and end user demonstrations, BiOWiSH blossomed into a reliable, industry-leading biotechnology company.

Today, BiOWiSH solutions are reviving soils to grow more food, revitalizing water and feed practices in aquaculture, reestablishing equilibrium in polluted water bodies, and more. Follow us on social media to see the amazing things we’re doing around the world!


We are a passionate force for global sustainability and improving the lives of all people. We unify nature and science to reinvent the way food is grown and water is treated.


Our vision is to build an ambitious team of people. Together we will sustainably produce more food and restore quality to the world’s water resources.

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